Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Released from bondage

This was my arm this morning - mini special dark candy bar used for size comparison. The cast/wrapping was HUGE!!

This is my arm now. Doesn't look that bad. Still some swelling.

Here's the money shot - kind of. They took the staples out and taped it shut. I had my mom take a picture so I could see it. Somewhere in the middle of the swelling and tape is my elbow. Really. I swear. I can't wait to see what it looks like.

My hand and arm don't do what I want them to.

Put your hand flat on the table. Now stand it up so it is resting on the pinky side with your thumb up in the air.

The doc asked me to do that - and it wouldn't move. I thought it, I wished it, I screamed at it to "freakin move already" (in my head of course) - nothing. He said it would get better with physical therapy.

I'm scared.


Blogger Cyndilou :) said...

Just find your Zen spot, breathe, and believe that it WILL get better. I start PT again next week - doc says no surgery for now. I'll think of you while I'm getting worked out...lots of speedy healing vibes!! :)

4:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it should be healing a wee bit faster now. Just becareful and don't smash it against something.

6:52 AM  

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