Friday, November 03, 2006

Eye Candy

Some Artyarns that I got from the DeStash Blog. Yummy!

So what is a recently reformed smoker (thank you Jen for the post - that I now can't find - about quitting that put me over the edge )to do when they get injured and have to sit at home with a smoker who goes out eleventeen hundred times a day to smoke?

Yep, puzzles. Eight done and one in the works. Three - hundred piece, three 300 piece, and two 500 piece puzzles completed. I tried to do a 1000 piece, but I couldn’t reach the middle.

Now as for the smoking, I’m not gonna lie, I have had a few. The first after they tried to slip my elbow back in place four times – with no sedation. Then the day of surgery I bought a pack because if I was going to die on the operating table, I was going to have one last smoke damn it! Let’s not even talk about the hysterical phone call from the hospital asking my friend to come get me because I was too scared to go through with it. Yeah, I don’t do surgery well…especially alone. The last one on the ride home from the hospital. I gave the pack to my mom.

Finally, my November caledar for Deb.


Blogger --Deb said...

Thanks for the calendar! I just saw that one on Cheryl's (Seed Stitch) blog . . . I love that picture!

11:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is a great November picture--it belongs :).

1:31 PM  

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