It's raining in So.Cal... again. I hate rain - not as much as I hate snow - but I hate it just the same. It's dark, it's dreary and I usually get stuck on my street because of flooding - even with the smallest amount.
Of course, I had to go out into it. I had a lead on a job and spoke to the owner of the company who lives in Northern CA. He told me "Go ahead, stop by the office and meet my brother, see where the office is, it's open M-F from 10-6" (ohhh yeah I'd
love those hours) Well, I show up at 11 (didn't want to rush the guy) and no one was there, so I waited - no one by 11:30 - so I drove around and came back - still no one there. Drove - almost floated - home and jumped back in my jams (depression wear of choice in chez Stacey) and realized
my most favorite pair-the most broken in, softest cotton, faded perfectly, almost 7 year old ones -
had ripped along the outside leg seam. And not just ripped, but that frayed tear that old comfy cotton things get. To fix, I'll either have to do a big honking patch or lose an inch leg circumference.
There is a bright ending to my day. The FedEx truck pulled up and before you could say tea, I was up and running. Through the pouring rain and the flooded (dirt) driveway, I returned with my new best friend. My shoes were soaked, heck my jams were too. I even tracked a little mud into the house. Tearing open the package, I found my inginutea cup (this thing ROCKS!!) and my four little tea tin sampler pack.. PLUS a sample of their "valentine tea". I had to brew a cup
immediately. OH MY GOSH!!!! I am in heaven. I chose peppermint to's smooth, it's velvety... I've banished celestial seasons from my house forever, I'm doing a jig, I'm making up Adagio love songs. Next up (brewing as I type) is chamomile.
In knitting news.. I've finished my shawl, well except for a little more fringe. I'm not a major fringe girl, but it just laid 100% better with the fringe. I've made progress on my mother's and
*gasp* I'm turning the Irish hiking scarf into a dog sweater for the chihuahua. It's not that I'm bored with it or anything, I just really am not feeling scarfish - I crocheted enough at Christmas time. It was a nice lesson in cabling, but it would get much more use by Pokie.